Compound Acoustical Reflectors

Compound Acoustical Reflectors are handcrafted by Madrid to provide enhanced acoustical performance. These striking, natural wood reflectors can augment an existing ceiling or an exposed structure. Ideal applications include theaters, soundstages, auditoriums or any performance-oriented spaces.

Madrid’s Compound Acoustical Reflectors are available in 4’x4′ or 5’x5′ sizes in a variety of veneers. Each reflector features a four-point anchoring system.

Compound acoustic reflectors


  • Available as 4’x4’ or 5’x5’ reflectors
  • Choose from a range of veneer options
  • Class A fire rated

Veneer Options:

(Class A fire rated material)

PS=Plain Sliced | QTR=Quartered | RCN=Reconstituted | VG=Vertical Grain

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